GH fic | TWW fic
kel's fic - the witty and profound

"huh . . . i have a fic page."

Welcome to the wonderful home of Kel, aka kappagirl, and her fanfic.
Why is it wonderful?  Because I made this!  Well, okay, it might also be because her wonderful fanfic is here too, but since she's letting me write this, that's my story and there's nothing she can do about it!  Muwahahaha!
Yeah.  This is me being witty.  Since apparently you people seem to think I can just do that on command or something.
Whatever.  Go read the fic.  'Cause it's good.
And then send Kel feedback.  'Cause she likes that.

  • General Hospital fic
    • Because it's all about the Sexis.  And the hot.  And the leather.  But mostly the hot.
    • Carly/Sonny fans should probably run away screaming right . . . about . . . yeah, now.


Unless otherwise stated, all the fanfic here is written by Kel.  Please don't archive or distribute without her permission.
Site maintained by Jadar Allyna.  Blame all lameness on her.