
GH fic | TWW fic
GH fic
kel's fic - the witty and profound

Stand Alones:

Candlelight Observations

Candlelight Reflections

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?

The CFF's Who Tried To Fight Sexis

damn him

the space between

before the fall

green and gray 

The Storm - Co-written with Jen

Challenge Fic:
Write Sexis through the eyes of another character. In other words, pick a character and write a piece that illustrates how they perceive Sonny and Alexis' relationship.

It just can't be over 300 words.

Dialogue fics:



"all that you can't leave behind" series -Alexis and Sonny and Johnny...oh my!

The Motion Series - Alexis and Mac and Sonny...


Other Parings:

red - Zander POV, post Docks scene

his eyes - Kristina POV, post Docks scene

not root canal - Dialogue, Kristina/Zander

interlude - Dialogue, Alexis and....Mac (yes, Mac.)

Just Breathe
General Hospital and all associated trademarks are copywrite ABC blah blah.  No infringement intended.
Unless stated otherwise, all stories are written by Kel.  Please don't archive or distribute without permission.
Site maintained by Jadar Allyna.  Blame all lameness on her.