
GH fic | TWW fic
night shift
kel's fic - the witty and profound

now..it's more than 300 words, i just couldn't cut it! i tried!! it's 387. kisses to Jadar Allyna for the superfast beta.

i chose the POV of the security guard in the lobby of the PC Towers. i've decided he exists.

Night Shift
by kel

I don't know what exactly goes on up on the penthouse floor, but it definitely keeps me entertained. Actually, it's just the inhabitants of penthouses two and four, Ms. Davis and Mr. Corinthos. The lawyer and the coffee importer? Coffee importer, sure. He's the only coffee importer I've seen with bodyguards. But there's something about the two of them. Over the past year I feel like I've watched their relationship change simply by watching them get on and off the elevator together.

The night last summer when they got off playfully bantering about being ordered to dinner and manners, she was in red, he was in a suit, and they were smiling at each other. They returned later and her features were marred with concern, and she was telling him he needed to be more careful. He was telling her that everything was going to be ok, and that she worried too much.

A few months ago they wandered in together both with far too much color than to have been here in Port Charles during the November snow. They were laughing and smiling again. Ms. Davis looked more relaxed than I'd seen her in months, she was talking about losing with style and rum. He was chuckling softly with her. They went by so fast I didn't have the chance to tell him that his wife? Ex-wife was upstairs already. For a split second I wished to be a fly on the wall when Mrs. Corinthos realized her husband? Ex-husband? Had returned home. A short time later she came rushing off the elevator barely concealing the tears in her eyes. She's been back once since then.

I didn't want to work New Year's Eve, but there I was. And who should come off the elevator, but the two of them. Perfect compliments to each other both in black. Clearly, they were headed out for a night on the town.

But I can't figure them out now. Mr. Corinthos called down earlier to ask me to buzz him when Ms. Davis returned for the evening. I wondered what he was planning for her. I just called him, because she's back. She just got onto the elevator with someone I don't recognize, but she was laughing and smiling at him. I'm fairly sure Mr. Corinthos isn't expecting that.


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