
GH fic | TWW fic
kel's fic - the witty and profound
by kel

Her hair is red.  

Very red. So red it doesn't look real sometimes, but someone that . . . earthy, wouldn't put chemicals in her hair.  Or would she?

Carly's hair is blonde. It's soft. I like it when she wears it curly.

She thinks she's so smart. She doesn't know the half of it. She hasn't been around. How does she know what Alexis wants? Or Sonny?  Or me? She's frustrating. With her backwards questions and crazy theories. Who does she think she is? Where does she get off? She has no right to act so high and mighty. Look what she's doing to her own sister.  

She thinks she knows what's going on with me and Carly. I don't even know what's going on with me and Carly. I wanna know why she's always in everyone else's business. Why is she in my head? How can she be Alexis' sister?

But she is a lot like Alexis. Her concerns for others are real. Her need to find the good in people is natural. Her heart is deep, and her soul protective. Her temper is fierce and firey.

We argued about betrayal, and hiding feelings. How to push them way down deep so no one can see them. I touched her cheek. Her skin was smooth. Her eyes were watery. In them I saw the same fear I have. The risk we share; the one we are afraid to take. Loving another that hurts one we love.

Her skin was smooth. Her eyes were watery.

Her hair is red.

General Hospital and all associated trademarks are copywrite ABC blah blah.  No infringement intended.
Unless stated otherwise, all stories are written by Kel.  Please don't archive or distribute without permission.
Site maintained by Jadar Allyna.  Blame all lameness on her.